Course Overview

This course provides conflict resolution training to equip participants with the skills, knowledge and confidence to effectively manage and turn around potentially negative performance situations in the workplace in a clear, assertive and constructive manner. This training course offers practical tips for managers and team leaders aimed at managing conflict at work and introducing an effective conflict management strategy. Learn effective conflict management techniques and resolution strategies to address confrontation in the workplace. This training course focuses on how to improve innovation and develop creative thinking in your workplace. Learn how to develop creativity, innovation and lateral thinking – for individuals and work teams.

Who Should Attend?

Applicable to all

Program Outline

  • Current strategies for handling conflict in the workplace -Defining confrontation
-Identifying where you focus your attention and energy -Role of managing conflict in the workplace -Current conflict resolution strategies -Presentation, practice sessions in pairs with co-coaching, facilitated group review
  • Conflict styles -Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
-Recognising different styles of conflict -Recognising your own preferred way of dealing with conflict -Identifying the impact of different conflict styles -Presentation, individual questionnaire and reflection, small group exercise and review
  • Process for managing conflict -Crosby’s conflict process
-Reviewing different stages of the conflict process -Recognising contributions and potential conflict management strategies to change outcome -Presentation, individual reflection and pairs exercise, group review
  • Influencing and assertiveness styles -The wheel of influencing
-Non-verbal elements of influencing -Stating wants -Using consequences -Suggesting and proposing ideas -Giving feedback -Adapting to the situation with integrity -Presentation, pairs exercise and practice, facilitated group review
  • Conflict resolution activities -Testing out the use of current and new strategies
-Practice sessions in pairs or trios, facilitated group review
  • Action planning and reflection -Review of learning and action planning, course feedback
-Individual reflection and action planning exercise, facilitated group review

 Program Objectives

By the end of this training course, the participants will have:
  • Defined confrontation and their role in managing conflict in the workplace to ensure they maximise individual and team performance
  • Identified their preferred style/s in influencing others and managing conflict and the additional strategies that they need to use to successfully resolve the conflict situation
  • Demonstrated their skills in resolving conflict and confrontation
  • Have identified a plan to apply and enhance their communication skills in the workplace to address existing conflicts

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